Category News

The rules of intestacy are changing!

I’ve got some exciting news for you – as of 26th July 2023, the rules of intestacy have changed. Stop the presses! Don’t actually stop the presses, it’s not as exciting as it sounds. But it’s definitely worth knowing –…

TakeTen: Mel’s Volunteer Day

Mel, Stevie and Sarah smiling outside the TakeTen building

Community’s important, isn’t it? We reckon so, anyway. We’re committed to helping out in our local area however we can. Whether that’s supporting local businesses, volunteering for local charities, or just giving our neighbours a cup of sugar, we want…

Invalid Wills – Is my Will invalid?

If you're going to take the time and effort to write a Will, you need to make sure that it's done properly - otherwise you might as well not bother. Found out how to make sure your Will's valid with this blog.

Mental Health: How an LPA could help

Mental Health Awareness Week is just around the corner, so we thought it’d be a good time to talk about mental health. No better time, really. Now, I know it’s not an easy subject to talk about – it’s a…